This Too Too Solid Flesh
Literally 2 Cents About Content!
The Complete Beginner’s Guide to "Capitalist Realism"

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to "Capitalist Realism"

A look at Mark Fisher's most famous book

Liz and Alex dive deep into Mark Fisher's seminal 2009 surprise best seller, "Capitalist Realism." Topics explored include how society individualizes mental illness, why there's this widespread conception of "gritty" content as somehow "realer" than non-gritty equivalents, and how our ironic distance from capitalism allows us to participate in it—even when we know it's bad.

Liz’s website:

This Too Too Solid Flesh
Literally 2 Cents About Content!
Literally 2 Cents About Content! is a podcast about content mills and the broader concept of labeling all creative work "content." Why do we call everything anyone produces "content"? How does this "content" frame affect us as content consumers? And what types of conditions do content creators labor under?
Check out Liz's website at and Alex's site at